
Ashlar Vellum Graphite v8.4.6.SP1 英文正式版(工業製圖軟體)

商品名稱: Ashlar Vellum Graphite v8.4.6.SP1

商品分類: 工程繪圖、計算、分析軟體

商品類型: 工業製圖軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/2003/Vista

更新日期: 2009-02-24

熱門標籤: 工業製圖軟體 




Ashlar-Vellum 工業產製圖伐 Cobalt, Xenon, Argon, Graphite, Neon 是美國 Ashlar公司

所研發,使用於工業產 的2D-3D設計繪圖,是電子產業與機械產業拓展美國與??外賀市場的最

佳繪圖創意工具, 無製圖經驗者也可以很快學會使用。與?他CAD?伐比較的特色是操作?易, 功

能?, 價格低, 是兼含工業產?製圖與美觀設計的唯一選擇。此為Ashlar Graphite,

版本v8.Ashlar Graphite v8是一款?大易用的2D製圖?伐,初學者都可以?松使用.

Ashlar Graphite提供了非常?大、精密的線框?草功能.運行在Mac及Windows中.


Graphite offers extremely powerful,

precision wire-frame drafting with

the elegant ease-of-use that makes

it productive even when only used

occasionally. Running on Mac and

Windows, Graphite provides an

interface that lets creative people

get the job done without worrying

about how to run their software.

The Vellum magic is addictive - ask

any Ashlar-Vellum customer why they

use our products and you'll hear

about "Vellumness". Across our

product line, the uniting element is

the magical feel of creative

simplicity and efficient power. It

anticipates your needs and quietly

offers help without distraction or


Create drawings of unlimited

complexity - get down to the details.

There?s no limit to your creativity

so why should there be a limit to

your CAD software? Graphite lets you

create 2D and 3D wire-frame drawings

of unlimited complexity and

precision detail.

Conceptualize then create - Graphite

is great for those who want to

explore initial design ideas with 2D

sketches then create 3D wire-frame

designs themselves, without the

support or interference of a CAD

operator "interpreting" their work.

Design and invent - don't be a CAD

jockey. We can always tell when

someone is not a candidate for

Ashlar-Vellum products. They tell us

that they "run such-and-such a CAD

program" taking great pride in

their software?s difficulty. If

operating an unwieldy CAD system is

your highest calling, don?t buy

Graphite. If changing the world

through collaborating on new and

innovative designs is more your

style, then you?ve found the perfect


Build or manufacture with

confidence - Graphite's precise data

guarantees accurate drawings,

speeding the manufacturing process.

Rise above the competition - leading

design innovators share a common

tool: Ashlar-Vellum products. From

renowned jewelry designers in New

York and Paris to athletic equipment

companies in the Pacific Northwest,

from Apple Computer to Scaled

Composites, Cobalt?s flexibility

frees creative people to focus on



Ashlar Vellum Graphite v8.2.5 英文正式版(工業產品製圖軟體)

Ashlar-Vellum Graphite v8.2.2 英文正式版(工業產品製圖軟體)

Ashlar Vellum Graphite v8.6.4 SP2 R3 英文正式版(強大的3D建模軟體)

Ashlar Vellum Graphite V7.4.1 整合 Service Pack 1 工業產品製圖 英文光碟正式版

Ashlar-Vellum Graphite v8.4.0.SP1 英文正式版(工業產品製圖軟體)

    創作者 霹靂布袋戲 的頭像


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