
DeskArtes Import Package v8.1 英文正式版(3D CAD表面模型軟體)

商品名稱: DeskArtes Import Package v8.1

商品分類: 工程繪圖、計算、分析軟體

商品類型: 3D CAD表面模型軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/2003/Vista

更新日期: 2009-02-21

熱門標籤: CAD表面模型軟體 


1. Install import package into 3Data Expert folder.

2. Copy datakit.lic to program folder

3. Set environment variable DATAKIT_LICENSE_FILE

to said location:

"C:\Program Files\DeskArtes 3Data Expert 8.1\datakit.lic"

4. Enjoy!


Import Package是一款適用於3Data Expert用來加載3D CAD格式,這附加的功能是為了可以

利加載並轉換不同的格式,保持正確的3D CAD表面模型。


3D CAD import formats for 3Data Expert The additional

import formats for 3Data Expert allow you toconvert

different standard and proprietary 3D CAD surfacemodels

efficiently and accurately to STL, VRML and ZPRfiles.

Current converters include IGES, VDA, STEP, Catia 5or 4,

ProE and UG file formats (other formats are availableupon

request). Any 3D surface geometry generated with well known

CADsystems can be inputted into 3Data Expert using either

theproprietary file formats or standard file formats, like

IGESor STEP. The models are inputted and converted into

3DataExpert internal surface model format accurately

forsubsequent triangulation. Surface conversion accuracy

forthe model input is easily set using a single

tolerancesetting. The surface to STL conversion does not

require a license tothe sending CAD system, like Catia or

ProE. DeskArtesconverter will work independently and offer a

single simpleuser interface for surface model triangulation

from any CADsystem. You will not need a license nor training

to complexCAD systems and still produce accurate 3D Printing

modelseasily! The triangulation interface allows the user

to define therequired accuracy with a single tolerance

value. Adaptivetriangulation will generate more triangles at

the curvedarea of the model and less triangles at the flat

areas,ensuring maximal model accuracy with minimal number

oftriangles. The triangulation will automatically join

surfaces atedges to produce a solid, watertight

triangulation for 3DPrinting. After the triangulation the

automatic repair commands areused to orient the normals and

to repair any errors stillremaining in the model. The

surface input -> surfacetriangulation -> STL repair

implemented in the 3Data Expertwill ensure the best possible

result for transferring 3D CADsurface models to 3D

Printing. IGES and VDA formats converters are included in

the basic3Data Expert installation package. Other formats,

STEP, UG,ProE, and Catia 5 or 4, are installed with a

separate?Import Package?available for download at DeskArtes

webpages, All surface input formats

areoptional tools for 3Data Expert and they can be

purchaseddirectly from DeskArtes or through authorized

DeskArtesdistributors. Please contact

for moreinformation.


Old AJs Journeyman Package v1.4 英文正式版(電氣計算軟體)

Cadence Allegro Silicon Package Board V15.5.1 英文光碟正式版(輔助設計)(4CD)

Smart Photo Import v1.20 英文正式版(幫助用戶管理和保存電腦中數碼照片的軟體)

Smart Photo Import v1.8.6 英文正式版(幫助用戶管理和保存電腦中數碼照片軟體)

NWS Centurybyte Smart Photo Import v1.8.7 英文正式版(幫助用戶管理和保存電腦中數碼照片軟體)

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