GibbsCAM 2007 v8.7.16 英文正式版(電腦輔助虛擬加工系統軟體)
商品名稱: GibbsCAM 2007 v8.7.16
商品分類: 工程繪圖、計算、分析軟體
商品類型: 電腦輔助虛擬加工系統軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/2003/Vista
更新日期: 2008-08-29
熱門標籤: 電腦輔助虛擬加工系統軟體
Gibbs CAM是易學、易用、易懂的電腦輔助虛擬加工系統, 它採用Parasolid實體造型核心,
可與Solid Edge無縫集成。Gibbs CAM具有獨具匠心的圖形化界面,即使沒有電腦基礎的人,
亦能駕輕就熟地使用Gibbs CAM進行加工。GIBBSCAM_2004在不犧牲速度和效率的前提下繼承
GibbsCAM is a state-of-the-art, PC-based computer-aided
manufacturing (CAM) system for programming computer
numerically controlled (CNC) machine tools. GibbsCAM is
organized as a single application. The base package's
capabilities can be optionally extended through the addition
of seamlessly integrated modules. This way the system can be
configured for your initial needs and be gradually expanded
as your needs grow, protecting your investment.
GibbsCAM's graphical user interface was designed for
machinists by machinists, resulting in a user environment
that is both familiar and efficient. This manufacturing
orientation ensures that GibbsCAM's powerful functionality
is also extremely easy to learn and use. GibbsCAM's
free-form interaction style allows you to move easily
between geometry creation, toolpath creation, process
visualization and post processing. GibbsCAM's ease-to-use,
programming efficiency, speed and short training time makes
GibbsCAM, the CAM industry's ease-of-use leader, the best
tool for programming your parts. powerful tool for most CNC
programming applications. "Ease of Use" is one of our main
differentiators. Get up to speed in as little as one week!
GIBBSCAM 2009 V9.3.5 繁體中文/英文正式版(電腦輔助虛擬加工系統軟體)
Gibbscam 2009 v9.0.5 ISO 繁體中文/英文正式版(虛擬加工系統)
Gibbscam 2009 v9.0.6 ISO 繁體中文/英文正式版(虛擬加工系統)
GibbsCAM 2007 v8.7.6 英文正式版(電腦輔助虛擬加工系統軟體)
GibbsCAM 2007 v8.7 英文正式版(電腦輔助虛擬加工系統軟體)